Monday, May 9, 2011


Thank you for being late!

In the dictionary, late is described as occurring, coming, or being after the usual or proper time. I say, late is described as having more time and being more dependant. Doing things on our own time are shaping our world. Its not like Thomas Edison, the guy who created the light bulb decided he'd figure it out on a Wednesday. Being late is shaping the average student into everything they should be. Handing in assingments late and being late for class is encouraging the student mind to gain full control of their educational learning. Studies have shown that every late a student has, boosts their capacitation to absorb more and more knowledge. Students now have the privilege to do things when they want as well as learn the responsibility they have to get things finished. 

When a student hands in an assignment late, it is not that the student has not accomplished the assignment, he or she has just not put the idea on paper. How has this been handled in the past? Teachers everywhere are coming up with more and more forms of punishment to get students to hand in an assignment when "THEY" want. Well thats just selfish. Handing in an assignment late gives students the oppurtunity to stay up later and watch educational shows like "The Bacholorette,""Family Guy,""Survivor," or even "Glee." These shows stimulate the mind and offer life skills. Heck, they should call it homework! Students may already have a job and not have time to work on an assignment, but if they already have a job their already half way there to learning what the real world is really like. So what's the point of even doing the assignment? Another reason for being late could just be as simple as the students projecting their right or free will. This should be taken positively as through out each student life there will be multiple situations where they will have to make a decision. Doing a assignment or not should be a choice. 

Showing up late to class doesn't mean you can label the student as a bad kid. Being late to class simply means a student needed more time to boost their want to absorb more knowledge. A 12 minute break can't do that. Teachers should encourage their students to show up whenever they want as this promotes a want to learn. Students will come to class when they are ready and have a want to go.

Late, is concidered all wrong as a society. Late, is beneficial. Late, is successful. They say this generation is what is going to shape our world. Well, once we consider this concept, what they say will be correct. Being late is shaping our students into everything they should be. Which is infact, the best.