Sunday, March 13, 2011

Is Your Child Safe?

     "Everyone around here keeps a pretty tight-lip." -Anonymous

     Latest in the news this week, we follow a story focused on a small high school in Penticton, British Columbia. Princess Margaret Secondary School, one out of the 2 high schools in this town populating just over 700 students. Astonishing enough, this school continues to regulate some of the highest academic achieved students over the past 10 years throughout the country! However, this is not why they are making the news today. Recently, Princess Margaret has faced substantial amounts of threatening charges pursued by parents, students, school advisory, as well as the government.

     "Our children our suffering! Now it's your turn!" A parent quoted during the last court session.
What is all this nonsense about you may ask? Emily Washington a grade 9 student, burned with a cigarette butt by a group of grade 10 boys based on the fact she dressed "weird." Consequences?
What consequences? Apparently since the incident was not contained nor witnessed by any other staff or student, the principle sends us this response,
     "If no one comes forth as a witness, what right do I have to punish such innocent kids?"
Which was then presented in a local news article in The Western. The story happened fast when
multiple children began confessing their story to us. It was as if the students at Princess
Margaret needed someone to go first in order for each story to be heard.
Previous to Emily's treacherous occurrence, we interviewed a grade 12 student by the name of
James Widdy.
     "I didn't understand getting good grades would have consequences." he disclosed.
During the month of January, James Widdy asked his calculus teacher if he could rewrite his test
as every test stood re-testable. However, today was a different story. The Calculus teacher who goes
unnamed was infuriated with James' request and grabbed his test with momentous force, ripping it
to shreds in the process. James with a 99.73% average was instructed to "dumb down," in the class
as he was "showing off." To think what the school system is coming to if a child is punished
for pursuing outstanding, remarkable grades in all areas of his school career. Something is wrong here.
We later issued a story which shocked us all. Molly Taylor, a grade 11 girl on the schools
senior volleyball team encouraged to take steroid injection by her coach to increase their rankings
in Provincials. Apparently, Princess Margaret's team of 18 wasn't enough for this coach! As the less advanced players sat as "bench warmers," during the season it was reassured by Molly's coach for her to
get all the energy she can get to win it for her team. The pressure!

     T.V, newspapers, blogs, protests, the works face this news story today! Hey, who can blame them?
If a principle disregards bullying and looks the other way, how safe could this school be?
The power is in all of us. Our children deserve respect from all their peers. Luckily, Penticton took this
role on and "Spoke up!"Viewers I pass this message on to you, "What are we not seeing?" March 21, 2011 Princess Margaret's principle will go to court and it will be decided if this school is in need of shutting down. Even though one may believe this school was anti-bullying, think again. The truth comes out when one chooses to speak. Bullying a complicated reality.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dialogue of a J-Shore Situation

     "What did you think you were doing!" exclaimed Snooki. "You can't bring home random girls!"    
     "Listen." replied Vinny in a confident kind of way, "I'm doin' me!"
     Snooki got angry. "What the hell does that even mean!"
     Vinny started to chuckle a little. "I'm gonna do my thing, you go do your thing, we'll leave each other alone."
     "Vinny you're being stupid!"conveyed Snooki, who for quite some time now had attempted to win over Vinny's heart.
     "Well you brought that guy home two nights ago? What was his name Johnny?"
     "That doesn't even matter," remarked Snooki, "It meant nothing."
     Vinny was now puzzled by the fact that Snooki thought there was no apparent difference between the two situations.
     "I really feel like I could settle down you Vinny, you're the kind of a guy I want to settle down with." Snooki repeated over and over in her head. She tried for the next couple days to attain Vinny, but there was just no love between the two. The next night Vinny brought home a gorgeous petite latino girl from the club. This ferociously sparked Snooki's anger, so she bolted into the room almost knocking the door off the hinges.
     "Vinny, really? Another girl?" weeped Snooki.
     "Snooki just leave me alone already! Go find another guy to settle down with."
The next night Snooki went to a club and drank a few too many cocktails. This resulted in her bringing home a guy who she met when leaving the club. The next morning she awoke and darted into Vinny's room. He was reading a newspaper and she laid down next to him in hope of a cuddle. Vinny, acknowledged however, "You already brought a guy home? That was quick." Snooki just laid beside him, crossed her arms and had a look of hatred painted across her face.